Welcome to OpenFin Docs

Learn about building with OpenFin through guides, API references, and example code.

Get Started

OpenFin is a web-technology operating environment designed for enterprise app development.
Learn about the OpenFin environment.

OpenFin Workspace

Workspace guides

Users can find, view, arrange, and interconnect apps, workflows, and notifications.

Firms can customize and theme the built-in apps, and integrate with custom apps.

Learn about developing with Workspace.

Workspace API references

Workspace provides two sets of APIs:

  • Workspace API supports search, providing content, and notifications.
  • Workspace Platform API supports customizing OpenFin Browser, managing workspace data, and services such as authentication.

Workspace examples

Review and run code examples that work with OpenFin Workspace in the Workspace Starter repository.

OpenFin Container

Container guides

OpenFin Container provides plumbing to run secure applications using web standard technology with enterprise-grade features.

Learn about developing with Container.

Container API references

  • Container API provides all the functionality needed for running and managing applications in the OpenFin environment, including integrated native applications.
  • The Platform API subset manages views and windows, including creating and laying them out, as well as capturing and restoring "snapshots" of the state of a set of windows.

Container examples

Review and run code examples that work with OpenFin Container in the Container Starter repository.


Interoperability guides

OpenFin's messaging system supports multiple interoperability strategies for varying needs.

Learn about interoperating using OpenFin.

Interoperability API references

  • Channel API for async, 2-way, secure communication between applications.
  • OpenFin Interop API for managing context groups and workflows.

Integrate with native applications

Third-party applications

OpenFin provides integrations with popular enterprise applications:


Microsoft 365




Your native applications

Use OpenFin functionality in your native applications via the .NET adapter or the Java adapter.

Group native windows and OpenFin windows

With the Snap SDK, enable users to “snap” together all kinds of windows related to an activity, including OpenFin windows, custom native windows, and third-party native windows.

OpenFin native integration APIs

Developer tooling

Set up your dev environment

Get ready to run example code, customize Workspace, integrate with your apps, or build an app from scratch.

Learn about getting started building with OpenFin.

Notification Studio

Try out your branding, experiment with features, preview notifications; then cut and paste the code into your application.

Learn about working with Notification Studio.

OpenFin CLI tool

Install or start OpenFin applications, create installers and configuration files, all from a command prompt.

Learn about using the OpenFin CLI tool.