Workspace settings

In earlier versions, OpenFin Workspace allowed you to redefine the behavior of many of the features via Desktop Owner Settings. With the introduction of the Workspace SDK, control of these features has moved into APIs instead.

In version 5.0, the only settings that remain are version and sentryEnabled. An example Desktop Owner Settings file for version 5.0 looks like this:

  "desktopSettings": { 
    "systemApps": { 
      "workspace": { 
        "version": "14.0.22",
        "customConfig": {
          "flags" : {
            "WorkspaceDocEnabled" : true,
            "sentryEnabled" : false

An example Desktop Owner Settings file with options for version 4.0 looks like this:

  "desktopSettings": { 
    "systemApps": { 
      "workspace": { 
        "version": "4.0",    
        "customConfig": { 
          "style": {
            "iconUrl": "https://yourserver/favicon-16x16.png"
          "browserWindowTitle": "MyCompany Browser", 
          "hotkeys" : {
            "toggleHomeVisibility": "CommandOrControl+Space"
          "errorReporting" : {
            "sentryEnabled" : false
          "flags" : {
            "WorkspaceDockEnabled" : true,



Between RVM versions and, the name of the main setting for system applications was openfinSystemApplications. The minimum required RVM version to use Workspace options is

The version setting enables you to specify the version of Workspace that is available to end-users.

The following table describes the attributes on the customConfig object:

browserWindowTitlestringThe name of the OpenFin Browser window.
disableBrowserNewPageButtonbooleanWhether to hide the "+" button for creating a new Page in the Browser tab bar.
Workspace 4.0 and earlier.
errorReporting.sentryEnabledboolean (default is true)Whether all client-side errors are reported to OpenFin. If you are self-hosting, set this option to false.
flags.WorkspaceDockEnabledbooleanWhether the floating dock feature of Workspace is enabled. Workspace 1.4 and greater
hotkeys.toggleHomeVisibilitystringHotkey to toggle the visibility of Home. The default is CommandOrControl+Space, which is also used when an invalid key string is specified. For a list of acceptable characters and sequences, refer to the Electron accelerators documentation.
style.iconUrlstringThe URL to use when displaying the logo in Home or Browser and for their tray icon. This URL must be CORS enabled.